Gluten Free Bread Video

Here’s the video for baking gluten free bread.

17 Responses to “Gluten Free Bread Video”

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  1. Nancy Matteson says:

    Worked perfectly this time, Mary Frances…thanks! And my questions were answered and my bread turned out perfectly. Finally a nice, soft sandwich bread.

    Are those biscuits on the pan beside the stove or English muffins? Do you HAVE an English muffin recipe?

    • Mary Frances says:

      I’m so glad the bread worked perfectly! As to the other, if they were on a cookie sheet then they were biscuits; if they were in ramekins, then it was the quick yeast rolls that I sent out in the newsletter on Friday. I haven’t tried English muffins yet.

  2. Susan P Best says:

    Thanks, Mary Frances,

    I just viewed the video. It was very informative. Hopefully I have a better idea what to look for and my bread won’t collapse.

    One more questions.
    My daughter is not able to eat eggs. I have been using the EG egg replacer. Have you used an egg replacer before? Do you have any words of wisdom for me.


    Thank you for your time.


    • Susand says:

      Mary Frances,

      I have tried your GF bread quite a few times. I am baking at 6600′ altitude and am still having a problem with the dough rising in the oven. I am using a convection oven and the dough looks right going into the oven, after some time it rises, and falls off the loaf and bread bakes flat rather than with the rounded top.
      I have also cut out some yeast and it bakes flat.


  3. Susan P Best says:

    Hi Mary Frances,
    I have a new question.

    My bread over-proofed. It rose well above the bread pan. I went ahead and cooked it anyway, but at 30 minutes in the oven it has collapsed.

    What would you suggest I do next time this happens. Should I have “punched” it down, and let rise again?

    I’m open to suggestions.


    • Mary Frances says:

      HI Susan,
      That has happened to me, and I did stir it down and let it rise again until it got to the top of the ban. If memory serves, the bread turned out fine.

  4. Julia Fosdick says:

    January 17, 2013. I can only get about 2 minutes into the video. Looks like it’s still doing it’s tricks.

    • Mary Frances says:

      Hi Julia, the previous comments about the video were working were from when we used a different video hosting service. We’ve since switched and the videos are working correctly right now. I’ll email you about this separately =)

  5. Tina Ray says:

    Interesting video. Questions: should I take the “paddle” out of the bread machine and how long would I rise and bake it in the machine (which I haven’t used in ages)

  6. Sam Taylor says:

    You said to measure the temperature of the water, but didn’t say what the temperature should be.

  7. Sam Taylor says:

    the video won’t play after 6:33

  8. Sam Taylor says:

    Okay, I finally got the video to work. Will this bread work if I use Bob’s Red Mill all purpose gluten free flour?

  9. Sam Taylor says:

    I made the bread with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free all purpose baking flour and it turned out good. I only put one tsp salt in the first loaf, and thought it needed more, so I put 2 tsp in the second loaf, and thought that was too much. So I’m going to try it with one and a half tsp next time. My daughter and I were recently diagnosed with celiac, and it has been really hard on her because her dream has always been to open a bakery. I told her that she can still do it. She’ll just have to make it a gluten free bakery. We were excited to be able to make bread that tasted like bread. 🙂

  10. Kanoe Stothers says:

    I tried making the bread and it came out great. I was wondering if you have any tips on slicing the bread into slices? I found when I was cutting it, the slices weren’t coming out even. Any suggestions?


  11. Sandra Garringer says:

    Just finished my very first loaf hoping it comes out fine. I got interrupted and my yeast was proofed over the top of the jar. Question, do you have a tip or suggestion on cleaning the dough from inside the hand mixer? So far all I have managed to do is push it further inside the mixer?

    • Mary Frances says:

      Hmm…you obviously haven’t heard my husband’s opinion of my dishwashing skills. Have you tried an old toothbrush to flick the dried dough out?

  12. Juliet says:

    i just made my first loaf after watching how you do it. i have used the recipe before but was disappointed with my results. I switched the flour this time to a corn free blend. It has risen well and is now cooling. The proof will be in the eating!

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