Drop Biscuits Video

Here are the videos showing you how to make the drop biscuits. I should note that I’ve updated the leavening amount in this biscuit recipe since I recorded this video. So, ignore the amounts of baking powder and baking soda in the video, and just follow the recipe as written. (4/2/12)

3 Responses to “Drop Biscuits Video”

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  1. Marcella says:

    Would the recipe work well with using either egg whites or egg replacer?

    • Mary Frances says:

      Hi Marcella, I haven’t tried egg white or egg replacer (like EnerG bran), but I have used flax eggs in drop biscuits before and it worked fine. One chicken egg = 1 Tbsp. ground flax seed + 3 Tbsp. hot water. Please let me know how it turns out if you try egg white or egg replacer.

  2. Lalina Franklin says:

    my husband bought me the GFCS last fall. due to medical issues today is the first time i am looking through it. i plan to look through the whole 13 months of classes before i begin to cook and will post comments once i begin that process.

    i have made your beans and roots bread, have made adjustments to it and it is our favorite bread. i have not made any bread since end of october and my husband has resorted to wonder bread, he does not have a gluten issue. he is chomping at the bit for me to get back to baking bread again!

    thank you so much for that recipe. it is the best.

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