Cinnamon Roll and Sticky Bun Demonstrations

First off, a few notes about these videos. Start with the intro video regardless of which dough you are making. Then watch the Cinnamon Rolls video to see how to make the dough and the cinnamon rolls. The Sticky Bun video starts up with me taking the 2nd half of the dough from the Cinnamon Roll video and making sticky buns. You’ll only need to watch the Sticky Bun Sauce video if you’re making sticky buns.

I also want to mention that you’ll hear crying in the background in a couple of the videos. We filmed these videos right after bedtime one Friday night and our 2 year old decided that he really didn’t want to go to bed and that he should make one final, loud, protest. We checked on him, tucked him back in and he went to sleep pretty quickly.


Sticky Bun Sauce

Cinnamon Rolls

Sticky Buns

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7 Responses to “Cinnamon Roll and Sticky Bun Demonstrations”

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  1. joan funk says:

    Mary, I can’t seem to get the videos to play…is there a clickable link to use?

    Thanks, Joan

  2. Marilyn Atkinson says:

    I also am unable to get the videos to play. My husband loves cinnamon rolls and sticky buns, and I haven’t even thought about trying to make them since I went glutten free. I am eager to try them. I have tried many of your recipes with great success.
    Thank you, Marilyn

  3. Rebecca Freeman says:

    Help! I can’t get the videos to play either. I’m off work today and wanted to do some baking. Those cinnamon rolls sound yummy!

  4. Beverly Smith says:

    Mary, just made the yeast bread of your cinnamon rolls. The taste is very very good. Even my husband who is not Gluten intolerant enjoyed them.

    The dough was very sticky and I ended up using quite a bit of all-purpose GF flour for the board and also the dough.

    Also, I left a couple of ends without cinnamon on them and tried just as a yeast roll. WOW. They was so yummy ! I got two recipes out of this. I have really missed yeast rolls. Thank you..

    • Mary Frances says:

      @ Beverly: Yes, it is sticky. I’ve been working on a cinnamon roll recipes for several years and whenever I’ve tried a dough that was not sticky the rolls ended up being just a tad tough…..not inedible by any means, but not something to get excited about either.

      On sticky doughs it’s often easier to use wet fingers and a well-greased surface than to try to add enough flour to keep the dough from being tacky. That being said, if the flour worked for you and you think that is easier, then go with that. The whole point is to have delicious cinnamon rolls without pulling your hair out =)

      So glad you both liked the rolls!

  5. virginia birgy says:

    The videos were wonderful to watch. I would have hated to try this without seeing the video first on how “sticky” the dough is. An out of the oven view on how they looked would have been great also. Now I am ready to try my hand at these. Our bread has been coming out so well and we can’t decide which we like better, regular or corn free.

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