Gluten Free Bagel Recipe

Gluten Free Bagels
(makes 8 large bagels)

300 grams water
26 grams breadmachine yeast
24 grams sugar

570 grams Mary’s GF Flour mix
24 grams sugar
24 grams salt
12 grams xanthan gum

30 grams olive oil
100 grams egg (2 large chicken eggs)
10 grams cider vinegar

In a small mixing bowl combine the first 3 ingredients: water, yeast and sugar. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining dry ingredients. In a third bowl, whisk the eggs, olive oil, vanilla and vinegar together. Add both the liquid mixtures to the dry ingredients and combine by hand until all of the flour is mixed in. Move the dough to a clean surface (unfloured) and knead the dough until it is smooth.

Divide the dough into 8 pieces; each piece should be approximately 140 grams. Roll each piece of dough between your hands to form a smooth ball. Slightly flatten the ball, and then using the thumb and forefinger of both hands, pinch a hole into the middle of the dough and gently enlarge the hole while turning the dough 360 degrees. Cover the bagels with a damp towel and let them rest for 20 – 30 mintues.

While the bagels are resting, bring 3 – 4 inches of water to boil in a large pot and preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Once the water is boiling and the bagels have rested, drop the bagels into the boiling water.  Do not crowd! I do 4 bagels at a time in my large stock pot.  Let the bagels cook on one side for 2 minutes, and then flip them to the other side and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Pull the bagels out of the water and set them on a wire cooling rack. Sprinkle the bagels with toppings while they are wet. Then let the bagels rest on the wire rack until they are dry.

Place the bagels onto a baking sheet when they are dry and put them into the hot oven to bake for 25 – 30 minutes.  The tops should be have a nice golden hue when they are done.

14 Responses to “Gluten Free Bagel Recipe”

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  1. sandra sheidenberger says:

    Hi Mary Frances,
    I am in need of your help. And, I know you must be so busy with your family But, before I start I would like to thank you so much for your website and recipies. They are wonderful and have made our diet change much more enjoyable then before. Today I read your article on Bagels and watched the video twice. So I made the bagels and my dough was a sticky gooie mess and not easy to work with (nothing like the dough you had in the video). I did have to make some changes to the flour mix for the corn. I used tapioca starch and almond meal. Also, I had to look up proofing yeast because I had no idea what that was. So I proofed the yeast for 5 minutes according to the directions. I added the ingredients until all was incorprated together. I was not able to knead the dough due to the sticky gooie mess. I was able to roll them out kinda because alot stuck to my hands. Then I let them rest under a damp towel for 30 minutes. They really did not rise much if any. I boiled them and they floated right away. The surface of my bagels looked horrible. They were very bumpy, rough, and messy looking. yours were beautiful and smooth. The flavor was good however they did take longer to cook and were quite moist almost tacky to the touch when done. Any chance you know what I could have done wrong? I want so much to try this again and I pray you are able to get back to me soon. Thank you for your time. Sandra

  2. Mary Frances says:

    Hi Sandra,

    It sounds like the tapioca/almond meal mix is not quite as absorbent as the versions with corn. If you try them again this weekend, then either add more flour to the dough (a couple of Tablespoons at a time) until the dough is the consistency of Play-dough. Or, if you happen to have coconut flour on hand, then try that in the flour mix instead of the almond meal.

    I’m going to Whole Foods today (I think) so I’ll get some almond flour and tapioca starch and try this myself. I think that getting the dough to the right consistency will solve the other problems.

    I’ll post back here after I’ve tried it.

    Mary Frances

  3. Mary Frances says:

    I just thought of this, but for anyone else out there who is making this with substituted ingredients – you can halve the recipe the first time that you try it. 4 cups of flour is a lot to put into a recipe, especially if you’re having to mess around with the flour.

  4. sandra sheidenberger says:

    Oh, thank you so much for getting back to me. I will try more flour and halve the recipie. That makes sense. I will let you know how it turns out.

  5. sandra sheidenberger says:

    Hi Mary Frances,

    I just wanted to let you know that I tried adding more flour mix. I added 1/4 cup + 1 tbls.
    They did turn out smoother and much less sticky. I was able to knead the dough this time also. I have made them twice since. My family can’t get enough of them. They love them. I made them everything bagels and they were very yummie. Now I want to try different flavors because not everyone likes everything. Thank you for your help.
    I really appreciate it.


  6. sandra sheidenberger says:

    One other thing I failed to mention. I did have to let them cook about 10 to 15 minutes longer with foil over them for the inside to cook well enough. Not sure why but when I didn’t cook them as long they were quite doghie still. I am so excited that I can have a bagel again. I hope more people try this recipie and post a comment. I would love to see how they liked them and if they did anything different.


  7. Mary Frances says:

    Sandra, I’m so glad that you’re family is loving them. The difference in cooking times may just be differences in oven temperature. I need to get an oven thermometer so that I can see how hot mine really is.

  8. Julie Peterson says:

    I just tried the bagel recipe. I used Bob’s Gluten Free All Purpose flour (I have 25 pounds of it!). The dough came together beautifully. I sprayed my board with cooking spray to help with the sticking issues while I rolled the bagels and shaped them. My husband is the ‘purist’ in the family but I put sesame seeds on 1/2 of them (that’s for me) (: . They looked great; in the oven as I type. I am stoked! Can’t wait to try them. Will let you know how the substitute flour worked.

    • Mary Frances says:

      So happy you loved them. Thanks for the feedback! And that you have something to do with that 25lb of flour =)

  9. Julie Peterson says:

    Ok…bagels are out of the oven. I couldn’t wait so I cut one right away and slathered it with cream cheese. Oh my goodness…we can do this! Yeah!!! Seems the flour substitution was ok, although both of us agree we are accustomed to a sweeter bread but I can adjust for that small difference. The outside of the bagels are just what they are supposed to be, lightly browned and shiney and the inside is dense and chewy. Perfection!

  10. Julie Peterson says:

    Good morning. We tried the bagels for breakfast this morning. I sliced them and popped them in the toaster. They are good, but I made another batch after breakfast and made a couple of alterations. I added another egg white and increased the sugar to 1/4C. We really like a sweeter bread. (I know you are saying ‘no duh! a 1/4C!) But anyway…I am letting them rest a bit longer too. You know, the 30 minutes the recipe calls for. My bad. I also found if I stick my finger in the middle of the dough ball and twirl the bagels seems to hold their smoothness on the surface. I believe when my brain gets used to the difference in texture and taste, as opposed to “gluten” breads my life will get easier. I find it frustrating sometimes. It’s hard to adjust to something different, we are human, we don’t like change.

  11. Susan P Best says:

    I am so glad I logged in this afternoon. I was thinking about making these bagles for my family this afternoon for tomorrow a.m. Our adult children are coming home for the weekend and 2 of us are gluten, corn, and soy free, and the rest are not. My goal is to find recipes that my daughter and I can eat and the rest can’t tell the difference.

    I appreciate the notes regarding the almond flour.

    Thank you again, Mary Frances for your fabulous site.

    PS Do you have any recipes for muffins?

  12. Robin Leidhecker says:

    Your recipe says to add vanilla with the eggs, olive oil and vinegar. I am guessing that is a mistake since there is no vanilla in the ingredient list. I don’t think I would like it in my bagels anyway.

    The link for the cinnamon raisin bagels doesn’t work. I would like to try them as well.

    Can I add blueberries to the regular recipe ?

    I am enjoying the cooking school. Especially that I can go at my own pace. I work full time so usually don’t have the time or energy to bake much during the week.

  13. Robin Leidhecker says:

    I found the cinnamon raisin bagels – it printed out with the regular bagels

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