Sticky Buns

Sticky Buns

Biscuitor Yeast-Risen Dough
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. white sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
softened butter, optional

Sticky Syrup:
3/4 c. butter or margarine
1 1/2 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. water
1/3 c. sweetened condensed milk** (optional)

**If you are dairy free, see if one of these dairy free condensed milks will work for you. We tried #1 and it was wonderful. If none of the substitutions works for your diet, then replace the condensed milk with 1/3 c. water.

Depending on which dough recipe is appropriate for your food allergies, make 1 batch of the biscuit or yeast risen dough. After completing all instructions (including refrigeration time for the yeast-risen dough).

Start by makig the Sticky Syrup. Melt butter and brown sugar in a medium saucepan over low – medium heat. Then slowly stir in the water and the condensed milk. If milk it off-limits, just replace it with additional water. Let this mixture cool while you prepare the buns.

Now prepare your work station. Either cover a cutting board or flat baking sheet with tin foil or plastic wrap. Then spray this surface with cooking spray. (see video) Or, spread a thin layer of gluten free flour over your cutting board.

Divide the dough into two equal portions. Take the first portion and spread it out into a rectangle. If you like, spread a thin layer of softened butter over the dough. If you don’t want to use butter, wet your fingers and rub them over the top of the dough.

Mix the sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over the dough. Be sure to spread the cinnamon sugar all the way to the edges. Now, slowly roll the dough up into a tube. Go slowly and try to roll the dough as tighly as possible. Slice the dough into individual rolls.

Pour part of the Sticky Syrup into the bottom of a large baking dish. (I use a 9″ x 13″ glass casserole dish.) Now place the rolls into the pan and top with additional syrup. Bake at 350 for approximately 20 mintues. Gently press on the rolls to test for doneness – if the interiors are squishy, bake for a few more minutes.

Back to Cooking Class: Cinnamon Rolls & Sticky Buns

4 Responses to “Sticky Buns”

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  1. Tricia Wyckoff says:

    the link to the yeast risen dough recipe in the sticky buns recipe is not working.

  2. Mary Frances says:

    Thanks! I’ve fixed it now.

  3. joan funk says:

    Question: You only mention using one half of the dough, does one half make a full 9×13 pan? And how thick do you cut the rolls??

    Thanks, Joan

    • Mary Frances says:

      @Joan: I mention using half the dough because the full amount of dough is just too much to work with at once. Half of the dough will fill up about 3/4 of a 9 x 13 pan, depending on how tightly you squeeze them in. I generally cut the rolls about 1 inch thick.

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