Gluten Free Pie Class


Welcome to Gluten Free Pie 101. Your goal for this class is to make either a single or double crust gluten free pie, using a gluten free pie crust that you made yourself.

What to Expect:

Gluten Free Pie 101 is the beginner class in pie crusts. It uses a pie crust recipe that we purposefully designed to be hard to mess up. It’s easy to make and easy to work with. The skills that you’ll be working on in this class are:

Dough Handling Skills:This includes everything from rolling out the pie crust, to moving the pie crust to the pan, to crimping the edges. This is actually quite a bit of dough-handling skills to learn at once, expect imperfection the first few go-rounds. Dough-handling skills always improve with practice.

Ingredient Measuring Skills: If this is your first cooking class from Gluten Free Cooking School, then it may also be your first introduction to weighing your ingredients. Don’t skip this part! Weighing your ingredients will make gluten free baking so much easier because it drastically reduced the number of mistakes that you can make with any given recipe.

Session 1: Learn About Pie Crusts

What IS a Pie crust?
Equipment for Pie Baking
The Pie FAQ
Taking it Further: Pie Crust Ratio
Print out the recipes for your files: Gluten Free Pie Class Recipes

Session 2: Make A Pie Crust

In this session, you’re going to make a pie crust. The pie crust needs to be chilled for at least a couple of hours before you bake the pie, so you can make your pie dough on one day, and then move on to Session 3 on another day.

Here’s the recipe that we’re working on:Easy Peasy Pie Crust Recipe
And here are step-by-step photos of how to make the pie crust: Step-by-Step Photos
And two videos for you to watch two: Cutting in the Dough & Rolling Out the Crust

Session 3: Bake A Pie!

Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Double Crust Apple Pie Recipe
Chocolate Pie Recipe

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